Leela, the Game of Knowledge
There is really only one game in life and that is Leela, the game of self-knowledge and the universal play of cosmic energies.
I will play with you an online version of Leela. You will need a die for this.
1 session consists of 1 throw of the die. In this interactive process, you will obtain a commentary and sometimes a question or an assignment.
Leela was designed by the seers and saints of India as a tool for understanding the relationship of the individual self to the Absolute Self. For thousands of years the 72 spaces on this game board have enabled players to chart the paths that represent the course of their lives. Each space represents a virtue or a vice, an aspect of consciousness, or a plane of reality and is accompanied by a commentary explaining its meaning. The player's progress on the board is dictated by the fall of a die corresponding to the forces of karma. Repeated encounters with the snakes and arrows on the board reveal the full meaning of the commentaries and can give shape to habitual patterns of the player, resulting in greater self-understanding and even a gradual detachment from the ego's delusions. Leela, or the Yoga of Snakes and Ladders, assists the seeker through the stages and trials of self-development, mirroring both the obstacles of karma and the rewards of self-obtained insight.
Training & Qualifications
I am a lover of ancient wisdom and especially the Vedic culture.
I've been to India on several occasions.
I was initiated in various yoga styles and I practice on a regular basis jnana yoga, bhakti yoga, raja yoga and karma yoga.
Availability & Preferences
After school hours.
(I teach)