Introduction to IEPs
I will answer any questions you might have regarding your child's individualized education program (for special education).
Is your child being evaluated for Special Education? Are you confused about the different types of degrees available upon graduation? Do you want further explanation of your rights? Are you trying to find ways to support your child's IEP goals at home?
I can answer questions about these things, and help you to understand them.
Please note: I am not familiar with your child. Only those closest to your child (you, their education team, and possibly their medical team) can say what is best for your particular child. I can only help you to understand their options and rights. I will help you to understand the options, but you must (in combination with the educational team) make the decisions.
Training & Qualifications
I have a master's in Special Education - General Curriculum - K-12 - Mild disabilities. I am licensed in Special Education in Virginia. I am a current special education teacher at the high school level. I have previously taught in an alternative school at both the middle and high school level.
Availability & Preferences
Evenings and weekends