A Quick Cute Monster Doodle of You!
I will draw you out to be a humanoid version of a "monster" you choose. This is in the "CUTE" category so it'll be drawn with cuteness in mind lol.
What I need from you:
* A reference picture of you
* A reference picture of your monster
(I ask for this because there are lots of different versions of almost every type of monster with a few things in common, if you have a specific look you have in mind when you think of your monster, please send me a reference picture of that. For example, if you were to say Cthulu. I think of a giant squid. For others its an octopus, and sometimes its even this unfathomable squid-octopus like million-toothed water demon lol.)
For the picture:
You can simply give me a reference photo of you and your monster of choice and wait for my response.
You can give me a reference photo (of you and your monster), a mood in which you want them to be in, and even a small situation. Example; "Mood: Angry, Situation: Watching the game"
My Rules:
* I'm not drawing backgrounds, colors, or more than one person (I'll make an exception to small children). But this is meant to be a QUICK doodle. Sadly a quick doodle can even be an hour for me due to technological problems, so keep in mind time is not cheap lol. (See commissions info below)
* If you want something more dynamic its no longer a quick doodle, but a commission you're asking of me.
* If you're using this little simbi service to use as a present for someone and have a deadline, let me know that first. We'll go over the details and I'll see what I can do.
If after you've received your simbi service drawing, and would like me to do more... beyond what is listed here. I do take commissions. 5$ can get you a cute monster family portrait with a minimal living room or park background. Or even a more detailed event or situation. However with just this simbi service here, you can get a lot from it!
Training & Qualifications
I like drawing. Short and simple. I'm mostly self taught, though I did take an art class in high school. I have been drawing since I was a child, so I've had a long time to draw, mess up, and accumulate experience.
If you've enjoyed my style, consider getting another one again!
Availability & Preferences
Hit me up whenever, no real date.