ADHD Medication consult
Whether you are a parent of a child diagnosed with ADHD who is concerned about giving your child stimulant medication or you are an adult struggling with ADHD, it is important to consider the risks and benefits of pharmacological treatment. For children, in some cases medication is beneficial and in others behavioral therapies are indicated. In some cases a stimulant medication works best and in other cases non-stimulant meds are better. The optimal choice in medication is influenced if you are taking psychiatric medication to treat co-morbid mental health issues.
Psychiatrists and neurologists today do not always have the time or access to the latest research to keep up with the developments in the field of psychiatric medication. At the same time doctors are flooded with marketing material from pharmaceutical reps pushing their latest formulations. As a result their patients don't get the best pharmacological treatment and end up taking a combination of drugs that can interact in ways that actually make their mental health condition(s) much worse. In addition, many psychiatric drugs actually cause a withdrawal phenomenon that can be debilitating if even a single dose is missed.
I will analyze your medication regimen or your child's and help you understand in detail how your psychiatric medications influence ADHD. I will help you understand the biological mechanism of action and how low-dose stimulant and nonstimulant ADHD drugs induce lasting changes in brain activity resulting in increased attention. I will make recommendations to optimize your medication regimen and if possible eliminate or titrate them or advise behavioral, TMS or neurofeedback therapies if the medications are making your mental health worse. All discussion are completely confidential.
Training & Qualifications
I am a Neurophysiologist/Neuropharmacologist with a Ph.D. in Neuroscience. As an Assistant Professor at UTSW medical center Psychiatry Department I taught Neuropharmacology to Psychiatry and Neurology MD residents. As a Tenured Professor my research specialized in memory and attentional systems and how they are influenced by dopamine neurotransmission. I was awarded an NIH career award and ~ $2M in NIH funded research on mechanisms of addiction, the role of circadian rhythms on bipolar disorder, and depression resilience and plasticity in the prefrontal cortex. I am a Bill and Melinda Gates Grand Challenge Explorations Awardee. I received a Young Investigator award from National Association for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD). 45 publications in top journals Cell, Science, Nature Neuroscience.
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