I’ve had to learn the hard way to say ‘no’ when I would always say ‘yes’ to others. I now know that I have to take care of my own needs and take care of myself first. Family & friends and anyone else were taking up to much of my time; now, I can budget my time for myself first and learn how to plan my time with others in my own schedule. Strangely, rather than take care of others and being stressed and fearful of their wrath, now I choose to respect myself first and I can truly be loving and respectful of those people in my life. Everyone comes out a winner! No more eggshells and walking on a cloud!
Training & Qualifications
I have no professional qualifications but much personal experience, strength & hope. I am well-read and do practice what I say (walk the talk) and it works.
Availability & Preferences
10 am to noon and evenings 7 pm to 9!