1 Name placed on Reiki Healing Grid
I will place your name, or the name of your choice, on my Reiki Healing Grid.
I write the name on a list that is kept on the grid. I place that list to my heart while focusing on the name I've just added. With my right hand, I hold the Lemurian seed wand and begin to turn it (activating it on). I then use the wand to connect to the center stone (Amethyst) and move in a clockwise position connecting each stone to each other and the center stone. This re-activates the grid and adds to its power. I then seal the healing and disconnect my energy from the person. I then message, text or email the requester of the date and time the name was added.
NOTE: This grid has been programmed to continue to send healing to every name on the list for their highest and greatest good and with no attachment to what the outcome is. A full list is burned usually at a new moon and another "blank" one started.
Training & Qualifications
Reiki Master Teacher and Crystal Reiki Practitioner since 2015. The real importance here is the Grid's power. I set this up for a Reiki II class to show them different ways of sending distance healing. When I went to tear down the grid, it said me NO! I learned the next day that my Reiki Teacher has two brain aneurysms and was given a 2% chance to live. Her students gathered on Facebook where it was decided to link all of our grids together around the globe and to make Leilani, a huge Arkansas Quartz, the emmanating center point in linking all of our grids and intentions for the highest good. My grid has been in place ever since. Even people who don't see energy can often see what looks like clear lightening between the wand and stones while charging it. My Reiki teacher is alive with some minor disabilities.
The Grid itself is made from a Japanese cloth gifted to me by my cousin. It is surrounded by Selenite (white) and Schorlite (Black) from Ned, Colorado. The inside stones are raw Peridot (Green) and Angelite (Blue) both purchased in Arizona.
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