Data Analysis in R (maybe Python)
I will analyze your structured data. This means it needs to have variables. It also needs to be normally distributed. I am not offering machine learning with a blob. This can be as part of the study design to determine sample size. This can also be after the study is over, if it was well designed. I will help you assess which variables of the data collected are appropriate to add together in the same model. I can do all sorts of visualizations. You will have scripts for future use, in case you need to redo the visualizations in high resolution for a publication. This can be a great thing to start learning if you're an undergrad interested in science. Please don't try to just make Excel work, or you may find yourself limited and having to resort to VBA anyway. I started learning this as undergrad to support my scientific research and have gotten several jobs using this skill. If you're in the social sciences, I have seen very many job postings in R and not many with SPSS.
Training & Qualifications
I minored in math as undergrad. I also began learning R then. By course hours, my Master's degree is in biostatistics. I have had several jobs as an R programmer. I also have years of experience as a SAS programmer, but you would have to provide the software for this.
Availability & Preferences