Beekeeping Mentor or Q&A
Provide one month access for unlimited Q&A regarding beekeeping and beekeeping business questions. Hands on mentoring at my location available for local users. Have questions about how to get started?, what to feed your bees?, how to handle diseases and pests?, social marketing ideas for your business?, how to handle health department inspections?, sales tips for getting your product into your customer's hands?, where to source the supplies for your business? I can help!
I can be available by email, text, or Facebook messenger. For local users you can come to my beeyards and get some hands-on experience.
I can play devil's advocate for your beekeeping management practices and business plans as well. Don't have a business plan? I can help you develop a basic plan to move your business forward.
Training & Qualifications
I am a sideliner beekeeper working my way towards commercial. I have 100% overwintering success for the last two years and am running a profitable business. I am a nerdy type that falls into a passion and spends 100% of my time learning more and diving deep into researching then applying what I've been learned. You can have the benefits of my years of study and experience without the time spent with your own nose in a book!
Availability & Preferences