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Hey, I'm Cheryl!
Indianapolis IN | Member since December 2016
Cheryl Russell's Services
Colleen received unit of Beekeeping Mentor or Q&A from Cheryl
Dec 21, 2016
Cheryl was super helpful and knowledgeable! She opened my eyes to the process of beekeeping, even though I don't consume honey. Thanks again and keep... it up :)show more
Christina provided package of Marketing plan for your busine for Cheryl
Dec 21, 2016
I'm excited to work with you Cheryl!
I'll get you a questionnaire to complete in the next day or so and then we can schedule a quick call after Chri...stmas if that works for you.
Thank you for your business! show more
Services Cheryl Russell is looking for:
- Digital Marketing
- Website Consulting
- Graphic Design
- Learning