Unschooling Questions Answered!
from Wikipedia..."Unschooling is an educational method and philosophy that advocates learner-chosen activities as a primary means for learning. Unschooling students learn through their natural life experiences including play, household responsibilities, personal interests and curiosity, internships and work experience, travel, books, elective classes, family, mentors, and social interaction. Unschooling encourages exploration of activities initiated by the children themselves, believing that the more personal learning is, the more meaningful, well-understood and therefore useful it is to the child. While courses may occasionally be taken, unschooling questions the usefulness of standard curricula, conventional grading methods, and other features of traditional schooling in the education of each unique child."
We can arrange this service in many different ways, but lets use a basic structure of one initial question answered and two follow up questions answered per service. I can tell you about my own experience raising two boys this way or I could help you figure out how to apply this practice with your own family!
Training & Qualifications
A parent who, with a lot of research, found this philosophy to be very empowering for both myself and my kids. I want to share my experiences with others who are looking for a way to better support the children in their lives.
Availability & Preferences
I am not on the internet constantly, but generally I check messages once a day unless I am away from home.