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Unschooling Questions Answered!


10 per session - Virtual OK - Posted Aug 11, 2017

from Wikipedia..."Unschooling is an educational method and philosophy that advocates learner-chosen activities as a primary means for learning. Unschooling students learn through their natural life experiences including play, household responsibilities, personal interests and curiosity, internships and work experience, travel, books, elective classes, family, mentors, and social interaction. Unschooling encourages exploration of activities initiated by the children themselves, believing that the more personal learning is, the more meaningful, well-understood and therefore useful it is to the child. While courses may occasionally be taken, unschooling questions the usefulness of standard curricula, conventional grading methods, and other features of traditional schooling in the education of each unique child."
We can arrange this service in many different ways, but lets use a basic structure of one initial question answered and two follow up questions answered per service. I can tell you about my own experience raising two boys this way or I could help you figure out how to apply this practice with your own family!

Training & Qualifications

A parent who, with a lot of research, found this philosophy to be very empowering for both myself and my kids. I want to share my experiences with others who are looking for a way to better support the children in their lives.

Availability & Preferences

I am not on the internet constantly, but generally I check messages once a day unless I am away from home.

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!

Reviews of Amy

Clarence provided Help with Advice for working with collective for Amy
Dec 23, 2018
I provided a six page report that took about two hours to write up, all told. This was an exercise for me to determine if the work I had been doing fo...r the past two years on designing a model for a sustainable community could be of use. Only time will tell. However, it was interesting to see that a number of the pressure points I had seen elsewhere appeared here. It was great working with Amy, and I with them all the best. show more
Nov 18, 2018
She always cone through! She has a big heart and has helped me a lot.
Danielle provided package of Seed/Plant Exchange for Amy
May 13, 2018
Thank you, I hope you enjoy your seeds!
Apr 14, 2018
Amy is so kind to be providing this service to us. My fiance and I are living in a small town with no real access to thrift stores and we live on a fi...xed income. Amy is not just putting clothes on our backs though she takes time and picks out just the right clothes to assure we have access to clothing that makes us feel good about ourselves! Thanks Sis!show more
M provided package of Check In With You! (Caring)x6 for Amy
Apr 10, 2018
It's been nice to chat with you, Amy. I hope we can continue to do so when we both have the time & energy. Amy is friendly & relatable.
Maria provided unit of Free List for Volunteers/Non-Profit for Amy
Mar 26, 2018
Hope you like them. Please let me know if you know any nonprofits who deserve a free website/ free website review. Thanks!
Mariquita provided session of Grief Support for Amy
Mar 14, 2018
Amy is a beautiful and deep feeling soul! We need more people like her. I loved working with her!
Inactive User
Inactive User received Help with Mystery Box from Amy
Mar 11, 2018
Amy was great to work with, and sent me an interesting box!
Katie received Help with Whats your favorite book and why? from Amy
Mar 10, 2018
Hi Amy, I'm always striving to better understand people and our relationships. Thank you for suggesting something empowering to read!
Mar 01, 2018


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Amy's other services

Darn or mend your clothes
I want to learn how to barter and share what I have to offer.

Darn or mend your clothes

 1 hour  face painting
I want to learn how to barter and share what I have to offer.

1 hour face painting

House sit and clean!
I want to learn how to barter and share what I have to offer.

House sit and clean!

Amy's requests

Amy is requesting
I need photos of my art!
I am looking for someone who has experience taking close up photos of small objects and is good at getting detail. I make jewelry, dolls, and small clay sculptures.

I want to learn how to barter and share what I have to offer.
Amy is requesting
Advice for working with collective
Hi all, I have a tricky situation that I am seeking advice on. I am involved with a small non-profit organization that is collectively run, and we have some conflict issues. There may be mental hea...

I want to learn how to barter and share what I have to offer.
Amy is requesting
Somatics/Alignment lessons
I have been practicing yoga for a few years but not as often as i would like because of lower back problems. I would like to be able to ride my bike and walk for longer periods of time. Ideally I w...

I want to learn how to barter and share what I have to offer.

About Amy Taylor

I'm a creative and somewhat quiet person. I have many interests that overlap with my values of making the world a better place through supporting each other and taking care of the earth, living gentl...y and patiently but also authentically. I've lived in Minnesota for more than 20 years, and have two awesome kids that I parented using unschooling principles, which really changed the way I relate to both them, myself, and everyone in my life! Additionally, I am involved in local theatre and puppetry projects doing a variety of things including sewing, offering hospitality, and doing some performance(usually on stilts). I love living in the city of Minneapolis with all of our parks and social activities, living near the Mississippi River, riding my bike, and being able to visit so many beautiful places in this part of the world. I am hoping to learn how to barter better, and be able to integrate it into my life more, especially in my neighborhood. I'm really good with little kids and I think it would be fun to help new parents out for few hours on a weekly basis, hopefully getting to know people! show more

Open to other proposals
Amy Taylor is looking for:
  • Handyman services
  • Auto Maintenance
  • Bike Maintenance
  • IT/Support
  • Skincare
  • Hair styling
  • Learning
  • Music Lessons
  • Classes & Webcasts
  • Tutoring & Mentoring
  • Fresh Produce
  • Cooking
  • Food
  • Business
  • Life Coaching
  • Counseling & Therapy
  • Healing Arts
  • Chiropractic
  • Health Care
  • Wellness
  • Physical Therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Personal Training
  • Pilates
  • Dance
  • Yoga
  • Fitness