To Zero with The Cost of Living
Hi there! I'm doing some research for a project called "To Zero" (towards zero). Its primary goal is to connect like minded people around the world to join efforts in creating solutions to take our cost of living close to ZERO. The ultimate purpose is to free people from the burden of money so they can be free to create and express themselves reaching their highest potential. It's a movement towards Abundance, Freedom and Self-Empowerment. It's a Movement focused on SOLUTIONS!
In order to do that, we will leverage exponential technologies, the changes in the socio-economic landscape and new concepts such as Universal Basic Income (UBI), Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies, Decentralized Organizations, Artificial Intelligence, Global Connectivity, The Rising Billions, Vertical & Organic Farming, Clean Energy, Sustainable Housing technologies, Robotics/Automation, 3D Printing, Quantum Computing, VR/AR (Virtual & Augmented Reality), Sensors & Internet of Things, Nanotechnology and others.
We are in an unique time in history when we common people can create massive changes if we are able to work together towards a common goal. The Internet laid down the network infrastructure from which we can operate from. And now the Blockchain (the technology behind Bitcoin) is becoming mainstream (many say its impact will be bigger than the Internet itself) and it will make possible to create a truly global economy based on Trust, Fairness and real Value exchange that will cause massive impact in our societies.
We also have technologies such as Artificial Intelligence that it's now becoming reality. There are the bad guys that will use it for their own benefits and to control others and also there's a real threat of millions of people losing their jobs because of that. But I believe that the good guys & gals can now take a stance and do something about it to minimize the risks, share wealth and avoid concentration of AI power in few hands.
The areas that we gonna focus are Health Care, Housing, Food, Energy, Transportation & Travel, Utilities, Clothing, Taxes, Goods/Consume, Leisure, Education, Self-Development, Services and Entrepreneurship.
It's not only about reducing costs, it's also about Income Generation, Prosperity Management & Security, Prosperity Sharing, Abundance Mindset & Personal Growth.
The primarily focus now will be on Money/Cost of Living, but its impact goes beyond that. We can think of taking down to zero any negative thing that we can think of such as corruption, stress, disease, crime, war, violence, oppression, discrimination, injustice, etc.
If you feel aligned with our values and ideas, please help us answering the 3 questions below. Your insights will be very much appreciated. :)
QUESTION 1. How much pressure/stress have money & work put on you in the past 12 months? Please answer with numbers from 1 to 5. 1 being no pressure at all and 5 the highest pressure.
QUESTION 2. In your opinion, what are the main reasons for you to be under such pressure? Reply with 1 to 3 reasons with the most important on the top. I.e., too low income, high cost of living and taxes, lack of job/business opportunities, debit with banks/credit cards, worry about social security/retirement, health issues, no enough savings, excessive expenditure/consumerism, lack of education in managing money, too much work/no time for family/leisure, no freedom, working in something that I don't like, limited mindset to grow income, fear of losing it, too old age, too young/inexperienced, etc.
If you are good with money please also provide the reasons why, i.e., family wealth, passive income, high income, successful career/business, etc.
QUESTION 3. What solutions do you think would have the most impact in reducing the stress you have been through regarding money & work? Reply with 1 to 3 reasons with the most important reason on the top. I.e., Universal Basic Income (UBI), create passive income, have multiple sources of income, lower taxes, lower cost of living, more job/business opportunities, less interference from the government, have a meaningful work, work in my 'abundance' mindset, get more educated in how to manage my finances, improve my specialized knowledge/skillset, change career/business industry, etc.
If you are good with money please also provide your ideas to improve others' situation.
Feel free do add more insights and to let me know if would like to know more about the project.
Thank you.
PS: Reply clicking on "Start a Conversation".