Veterinary Advise 4 Dog &Cat Owners
I will consult with you to answer any pet questions you have. I cannot prescribe medication or make diagnoses online, but can help steer you in the right direction. This consultation does not and should not replace in-person visits with your veterinarian and is only meant to help you gain a deeper understanding of your pet’s health, diagnosed condition or prescribed treatments.
Services include:
-Understanding your pet’s diagnosis
-Understanding your pet’s medication
-Pet Nutrition and weight concerns
-OTC treatment advise
-Understanding when it’s an emergency
-What vaccines are needed when and how often
-Understanding Flea, Tick, Heartworm, and Intestinal Worm Preventions and Treatments
-Herbal and Natural Remedies: What’s safe and what isn’t
-Identifying common pet toxins in human food and around the house.
Training & Qualifications
I am a veterinarian with 16 years practical experience including general practice, dentistry and surgery; emergency and critical care; and shelter medicine. I have training in and an interest in natural/herbal and home remedies with the experience to help decide when it's appropriate to try at home care and when you need to see your veterinarian. I am currently retired from practice due to a back injury, but I want to use my considerable experience and expertise to help you become a more confident pet owner and to strengthen the bond between you and your furry family member.
Availability & Preferences
Any time