Learn about Polyamory!
Described as consensual non-monogamy, polyamory is a hybrid word: poly is Greek for "many" (or "multiple") and amor is Latin for "love".
The term Poly does not apply to casual recreational hookups, purely sexual partner swapping, anonymous or its, one - night stands, pick-ups, prostitution, "cheating," or serial monogamy.
The use of this word is descriptive of people who look for emotional, sexual, spiritual fulfilment from more than one person. The emphasis is not on being the same or being different but rather thinking deeply about what relationships mean to you. By doing that you can discover what it is your truly looking for; Is it that ONE person, or it is to have your spiritual, emotional, and physical needs met.
Polyamorists typically also eschew the relationship escalator and other typical social normalized behaviours, such as fear based relationship and behaviours around jeleousy and control. Many of the lessons I have learned in poly can applied to monogamous relationships to reduce or remove fear, anxiety and the emotional rollercoaster.
I would say I was born poly despite only finding it later on and I know of others who would say they have " converted" after half a lifetime of monogamy. We come in all shapes and sizes and the description of poly tends to be more inclusive than exclusive.
Alongside our poly chat I also will supply links and other resources to continue your own personal research on your own time.
Training & Qualifications
I practice poly and have for some time. I have experienced multiple subgroups and categories of poly and can help you to understand many of them.
Availability & Preferences
I have spotty availability open most of the time.