Hey, I'm Enrique!
Las Vegas NV | Member since October 2016
About Enrique Garcia
I'm a Veggie Gardener passionate about Permaculture & teaching kids in the local school system how to grow their own food !! Since becoming Vegan I have lost 150 lbs & love to teach others that Food is thy Medicine !! And one of the best ways is to Grow Your Own which is also the name of an annual festival we put on in Las Vegas which last event had over 5,000 people attend. I feel both Permaculture & The Vegan diet are the solutions to Climate Change as I have studied the issue for many years now.
I have over 20 schools I visit each & every week thru my job ( we also do Residential gardens ) so I get to teach kids the things they need to know to be healthy & also about Nature & the importance of critters & plants in our lives.
We are converting our home into an Earth Library - attempting to create an example of what every home in the desert should be like !! Our electric bill in the summer is 1/5th of what the average bill is here by using Permaculture. Also we compost all our compostable trash as it should never be sent to the landfill & have sunken hugelkulture garden beds which use 50-75% less irrigation !!
We also do Food Not Bombs where we have fed 1,000's of people (mostly school kids) Grown over 10,000 lbs of Organic fresh fruits n veggies & saved over 100,000 lbs of Organic fruits n veggies from the Farmer's Markets & share it with our community & those in need.
I would Love to help you learn more about Permaculture & how easy it is to Grow Your Own wherever you are !!
Enrique Garcia's Services
Inactive User provided session of 12 Question Reading! for Enrique
Katrina received unit of Growing Organic Permaculture Style from Enrique
Inactive User received unit of Secrets of the Universe from Enrique
Addison received unit of Growing Organic Permaculture Style from Enrique
Garsett received unit of Growing Organic Permaculture Style from Enrique
Dave provided hour of Music Transcription Service for Enrique
Services Enrique Garcia is looking for:
- Music & Audio
- Experiences
- Fun & Quirky
- Home
- Fitness
- Learning
- Art & Design