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Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Invent an Expletive


5 per unit - Virtual OK - Posted Aug 16, 2016

I will invent for you one custom swear word for you to use at your leisure. Keep it to yourself or share it with the world. Use it for good... or evil. How do you know it's a swear word if it's made up? Because I said so.

Training & Qualifications

I'm exceedingly odd.

Availability & Preferences


Trading Preference: I prefer being paid in simbi

Reviews of Zach

Adam received unit of Free Association from Zach
Sep 24, 2016
Zach's word was an Interesting choice. His service is as descried. I got an interesting review from him for such a service as well... Perhaps I shou...ld update my availability settings to "Not always on. Every minute of the day." As it may not be worth a review that isn't 100% glowing for a service that provides a single word in exchange for a single simbi. I guess I was more surprised by this than anything. That said, I did take a full day to respond. Make of that what you more
Megan received unit of Free Association from Zach
Sep 20, 2016
Definitely responded with an as advertised (funny!) word association. I enjoyed my interaction. :)
Emily received unit of Free Association from Zach
Sep 12, 2016
Did exactly what he said he would do.
Giana received unit of Free Association from Zach
Aug 29, 2016
Zach offers an interesting service.
Ryan provided Help with Simbi Service Brainstorm for Zach
Aug 26, 2016
Zach is a true gentleman. Highly recommend! Good luck on your virtual store, mate!
Ryan received Help with Let's Text from Zach
Aug 24, 2016
Zach is a fantastic texter!
Sonia received unit of Free Association from Zach
Aug 22, 2016
So random but fun.
Bobbi provided Help with Simbi Service Brainstorm for Zach
Aug 21, 2016
Very nice!
Mike received unit of HD Nature Photos from Zach
Aug 20, 2016
Zach sent me a really cool photo of a mushroom near his house. Amazing how these things pop up over night. FAIRIES!!!!
Inactive User
Inactive User provided unit of I will critique your hawaiian shirt for Zach
Aug 19, 2016
Zach has remarkable taste in hawaiian shirts, and he's fun to work with.


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Zach's other services

HD Nature Photos
Skill sharing is fun and cool.

HD Nature Photos

Free Association
Skill sharing is fun and cool.

Free Association

Write a Haiku
Skill sharing is fun and cool.

Write a Haiku

Zach's requests

Zach is requesting
Plan and Design my Flower Garden
I'm looking for someone who can design a pattern of annuals and perennials according to my zone for my commercial specialty cut flower garden.

Skill sharing is fun and cool.
Zach is requesting
Simbi Service Brainstorm
Looking for a list of "Just for Fun" themed services that could be offered here on Simbi.

Skill sharing is fun and cool.

About Zach Barreca

I'm from New Bern, North Carolina and I've lived here most of my life. I'm earning my associate's degree in computer science from Craven Community College. I'm a student of the software engineering bo...otcamp called The Firehose Project. I love being politically active and writing articles. show more

Open to other proposals
Zach Barreca is looking for:
  • Just for Fun
  • Cheap & Easy
  • Gaming
  • Fun & Quirky
  • Learning
  • Business
  • Home
  • Experiences
  • Fitness
  • Music & Audio
  • Art & Design