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Custom character token roll20 etc


20 per unit - Virtual OK - Posted Apr 05, 2018

I'll make a custom token for your character, perfect for roll20, fantasy grounds, or printing and using in irl tabletop games using heroforge. Either send me a heroforge screenshot from the angle you want, or give me a character description (including colours) and I'll create the token for you. If you're sending me the image please ensure you use the screenshot button on heroforge and send me that file, and ideally "clear" the base, to make it a little easier and less time consuming on my end!

Training & Qualifications

I've made tokens in this manner for player characters in game I play in, as well as for multiple NPCs in a game I run.

Availability & Preferences


Trading Preference: I prefer being paid in simbi

Reviews of Wren

Oct 24, 2018
Wren is great! Her communication is clear and her work is awesome. I am so happy with our collaboration 🎉
Jan 19, 2019
Wren is amazing. She worked with me to make the perfect characters for my sons. Great D&D knowledge.
Maelan received Help with Tattoo Design from Wren
Jan 05, 2019
Wren did a wonderdul job! Very happy!
Justin left review for Wren
Dec 20, 2018
Wren is a very patient and quality person. This deal took me 4 months longer than I promised and she held my feet to the fire, in a very supportive wa...y. I would love to work with Wren again, if they will have more
Oct 01, 2018
Wren proves to be a swift and innovative mind with every task given to them.
Tom provided session of Game/Dungeon Master Campaign Writer for Wren
May 04, 2018
Patient and thorough as always!
Clari received session of Ask a non-binary person from Wren
Apr 17, 2018
Wren was very helpful! They got back to me super quickly and they were super friendly.
Mar 11, 2018
Wren's work has yet to fail to impress me, after over ten deals. There are few people I can trust more than them!
Robin provided session of Tarot readings for Wren
Mar 10, 2018
Working with Wren was really enjoyable, I hope to get another chance to do so!
Briar provided unit of Illustrations and Drawings for Wren
Mar 06, 2018
Awesome as always. I'm so glad to work with Wren.


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Wren's other services

Simple Character Portrait
I love the idea of the kind of economy that Simbi uses, and the chance to use such a system in a real way is exciting to me.

Simple Character Portrait

Create a D&D Magic Item
I love the idea of the kind of economy that Simbi uses, and the chance to use such a system in a real way is exciting to me.

Create a D&D Magic Item

Fantasy world banner/coat of arms
I love the idea of the kind of economy that Simbi uses, and the chance to use such a system in a real way is exciting to me.

Fantasy world banner/coat of arms

About Wren Coolbear

I'm a 22 year old living in Lincoln, UK. My interests primarily centre on the nerdy side of things - think D&D, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Firefly, Overwatch, and the like. I regularly... attend comic-cons, primarily London MCM, and am always working on new cosplays to wear! I'm a big music fan, both classical and contemporary: I play a number of instruments to various standards and have a very broad music taste. I'm also a member of the LGBTQ community, being out and proud as both agender and pansexual. show more

Open to other proposals
Wren Coolbear is looking for:
  • Fun & Quirky
  • Cheap & Easy
  • Gaming
  • Ask Me Anything
  • Just for Fun
  • Language Lessons
  • Art Lessons
  • Friendship/Listening
  • Transport & Rideshares
  • Experiences
  • Adventure
  • Counseling & Therapy
  • Tailoring & Sewing
  • Custom Art
  • Art & Design