Adventure to Outer Space
I will give you a name of a REAL person (Human Being) who has first-hand experience that has traveled in Outer Space, walked on the Moon & Mars, for example, for over 20+ years and is not a NASA astronaut. Learn about other places in our Solar System this person has ventured, and has also traveled to other Solar Systems in our Galaxy. I can give you the name of a book that is FACT not FICTION found on Amazon about this amazing "Adventure to Outer Space". Thank You.
Training & Qualifications
......I am 75 and have spent many hours, weeks and months checking out this person and others that have came forward over the last several years, that most people don't even know about. The roots of this information goes as far back as Truman and Eisenhower. A recent factual, non-fiction book written by well published author, on this person and others, that have came forward with first-hand information about their experiences, was released Sept 2, 2015, on Amazon.
Note: This is a first-hand account by a person who has been to the moon, mars and beyond and has met many humanoid intelligent life beings, even beyond our solar system.
A highly skilled professional, has up front, had this person heavily vetted by several other highly skilled professionals and using their own discernment, that this person is in fact telling the truth.....and if you happen to do a research on this person, after I give you their name, you will find an above average dossier, background & work history and there has been an extreme effort to de-bunk their first-hand in person observations, reports & interviews, UNSUCCESSFULLY..... for example you can check their LinkedIn professional review, as a starter.
Quote by Mark Twain: “TRUTH is stranger than FICTION."
Availability & Preferences
I am retired so available anytime.