Awesome Resume Optimization Consult
I will look over your resume and tell you what areas need to be highlighted better, and what things you do not need. I can also give tips on design and ways to make it stand out. I am also a graphic design in the advertising world where I put every ounce of inside knowledge to resumes. I also keep up to date with America's leading HR people, reading all of their tips for resumes from a HR perspective. TIP: I do not make direct edits to your resume.
Training & Qualifications
"I was a college student looking for a job as my resume has gotten me to very good places. "
I am also a graphic design in the advertising world where I put every ounce of inside knowledge to resumes.
I also keep up to date with America's leading HR people, reading all of their tips for resumes from a HR perspective.
Availability & Preferences
Any time!