Photography Services
Photography is a big passion of mine. I love the art of expression that photography permits, and getting creative with the camera. What makes photography so exciting to me is that there is a calculable method to getting a perfect shot, while still being free enough to be artistic. My photography style is geared mostly towards three sections: Landscape Photography, Individual or small group portraiture, and Commercial (Advertising) photography. I love to exercise my creative eye, and use my camera as an extension of myself to create lasting memories, and exciting impressions. I love shooting occasions like Prom, Graduations, Engagements, and things of that sort. In terms of landscape photography, I'm fairly freelance, I just go on awesome hikes and take pictures of what's in front of me. Commercial photography I can really hone in on and get real specific, to create a masterpiece that will make your product stand out and above the rest. If any of these services interest you, send me a message and let's talk a bit about what you want.
Training & Qualifications
4 years experience
Availability & Preferences
Evenings (PST) and weekends.