College Success Seminar
I will talk to you about how to be more successful in college. Many people struggle with college and even come to the conclusion that college is simply not for them, that is absurd. College can be challenging, difficult, and stressful to say the least. The further you go the harder it becomes. I can help you by giving you tips and advice that not only helped me, but also many friends and colleagues who are still in college or have since graduated. Too many people feel shame when their grades start to fall and feel that simply dropping out is the best solution. Many still have the desire to go on to their dream career, but feel they lack the ability to do so, this is simply not true. College is for everyone and it is a challenge, but one to be met with determination and confidence. You can do it all you need to do is learn how to unlock your potential for college success!
Training & Qualifications
I have been in college for six years for a four year degree. This may seem like the opposite of a qualification, but I have held full time jobs, raised two kids who are currently ages nine and ten, maintained friendships and a marriage, performed academic research, competed in research competitions (and won!), been the President of an Honor Society, been an active member of six Honor Societies, and so much more. I did all this while maintaining a solid 4.0 GPA. In almost every single semester that I was able to take classes (had some time off for research and travel abroad programs) I took at least twelve hours sometimes as much as eighteen during my Associates Degree. Even now as I take my final semester of undergraduate classes I am preparing for graduate school.
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