Relaxing Story for Grown Ups
Get cozy in a comfortable spot: with a cup of tea or snuggled in blankets. Turn on the recording of my voice and allow yourself to just pay attention to something simple, factual, or dreamy that probably has nothing to do with the everyday stresses of your life.
This is a virtual service. I make brief (2 to 8 minute) recordings of selections from grown up books (mostly non fiction) about nature, science, and other topics of interest. I read in a quiet, soothing tone. This practice is inspired by an experience I had with a friend who read to me about the pine barrens as we were about to sleep. I loved the relaxation I received from focusing on something true, but not particularly worrisome. I'd like to share that sensation with you. Excellent for bedtime or one of those 5 minute breaks you get at work.
For this service I suggest the price of 3 simbi, a trade, or your promise to pass on the good deed. I will likely need to know your email address as the voice recordings are in m4a format and cannot be attached to a simbi message.
Training & Qualifications
I read pleasantly and with good diction.
I have good taste in non fiction.
My reading and selections are likely influenced by a lifetime of dedication to helping people feel better.
Availability & Preferences
Anytime ~ just give me a day or two to find the best recording and send you the file(s).