Mayan Dreamspell Oracle Reading
I can do 30 minutes Mayan Dreamspell reading of your Kin.
Your Kin is one of the 260 combinations of 20 energies and 13 tones (purposes of creation).
Mayan Dreamspell Calendar is used as a sinchronar with the energies you chose to bring to this life.
It is meant to help us understand the time and remember of our star origin.
If you want to know what yours carry, write to me so I might tell you some basics.
For the quick info see:
For more info:
In lak'ech,
Stasha- Yellow Rhythmic Star
Training & Qualifications
I studied Mayan Dreamspell and Sinchronotron 5 years ago.
I never stopped using it as a guide for my everyday life.
Availability & Preferences
I am usually free in the mornings, and not after 4 PM (Hawaii time)