Darning Your Clothes!
I can darn clothing to make it last longer. This includes socks, jumpers (sweaters), and most other clothing, provided it's not a stretch knit. (In other words, t-shirts don't darn well.)
If you want the darned portion to colour-match your item, it's best to buy embroidery thread or yarn (depending on the item) in the right colour before you send it to me, as I don't know if my stash will match your item. Otherwise, the patch will likely be a different colour. This often doesn't matter for items like socks, but can be irritating for sweaters/jumpers or other items where the patch would be visible.
Training & Qualifications
I've darned my socks for a year and a half now. I haven't bought new ones since I've learned. I also patched a blanket full of moth-holes using a knitting patch technique, so I've done larger items.
One unit= one patch.
Availability & Preferences