30 minute massage deep or swedish
I will give you a 30 minute massage. You get to choose if it's a deep tissue knot working massage, or a relaxing swedish massage. I have lotion or can use yours. Some people use there own due to allergies and some for preference. Another great perk is I can come to you!!! As long as it's within reasonable distance. This is great to relieve stress after a long week or if you want to set up weekly massages it’s great to work knots out and help your body in the long run. I’ve been told I give amazing massages by clients and friends. I just want to spread the healing touch of massage and it’s wonderful benefits. I highly recommend working at least massage in per month! They feel great and I really enjoy helping people relax and release tension.
Training & Qualifications
I have an Associates in Therapeutic Massage. I have been working in massage since 2010. I have worked in salons, spas, and yoga studios. I have done reiki, chakra work, and several massage modalities.
Availability & Preferences
I'm pretty open but evenings and weekends are best.