Energy Medicine / Somatic Coaching
Video call - 30 to 60 minutes (via Signal App) or a session in the park
Facilitating energy movement for the resolution of issues - if this is new to you, you may be surprised by how effective and far-reaching it can be
Sessions involve tuning into our bodies in the present moment, centering, grounding, opening. It's not talk therapy, although there is some dialoguing. It's also not about me doing something to you. It's about "holding space" to allow energy to move and process as needed, resolving issues. The issues can be physical, emotional, or mental and acute or chronic. After the session, people feel lighter, more open, centered, grounded, relaxed and joyful. They find new insights and wisdom in their life. They often notice shifts in their perspective and relationships in the following days.
Training & Qualifications
I'm a certified massage therapist, graduate of the Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (2010). On-going student of Craniosacral, Polarity, and Distance Healing at the Life Energy Institute (
Availability & Preferences
Mid-day, evenings