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Text Proofreading / Révision


2 per unit - Virtual OK - Posted Jun 28, 2017

I will do a proofreading and edit your essay, article, chapter, etc. (mainly spelling and grammar in English), up to 20 pages. I can also translate simple texts, up to 5 pages from English to French.
NOTE: 1 unit = 1 page

Je vais réviser et corriger votre texte: essai, article, chapitre, publicité, etc. Je peux tout réviser (syntaxe, grammaire, ponctuation, orthographe), sauf le vocabulaire propre à votre domaine. En français, je peux prendre un texte de 30 pages maximum.
NOTE: 1 unité = 1 page

Training & Qualifications

I have a college degree in Languages, mainly in English and French but I also improved Spanish and learned German basics. I am used to editing English copies and translating from English to French, the latter being my native language.

J'ai un diplôme collégial en langues, au cours duquel j'ai peaufiné mon français écrit. J'ai aussi une expérience de cinq ans en tant que monitrice en français pour les étudiants au postsecondaire, notamment pour la passation de l'Épreuve uniforme de français, requise pour entrer à l'université. Finalement, je travaille comme éditrice dans une maison d'édition depuis près d'un an.

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!

Reviews of Sabrina

Aug 16, 2017
I loved her work, she is kind and fast, hightly recommended!
Aug 18, 2017
Sabrina did such a great work on reviewing my articles! She was very professional and very thorough. I look forward to working with her again.
Sep 05, 2017
On a tous besoin d'une Sabrina dans nos vies pour nous rapeler quelques règles élémentaires. Un oeil extérieur fait la différence. Gros merci!
Inactive User
Inactive User sold "Do no harm" digital poster to Sabrina
Jul 03, 2017
Another easy and friendly deal with Sabrina
Inactive User
Inactive User provided package of Pack of 60 fonts for Sabrina
Jul 01, 2017
It was great to do business with Sabrina!
Jun 30, 2017
Very thoughtful answer to my poll question! Thanks, Sabrina :)
Ayan received Help with Greet me in language of your choice from Sabrina
Jun 30, 2017
Thanks again Sabrina! :-)
Ayan received Help with Tell me your favorite vacation spot from Sabrina
Jun 30, 2017
Thank you for the vacation spot suggestion.
Jun 30, 2017
Great user with great service
Inactive User
Inactive User received Help with An inspirational quote with an edge from Sabrina
Jun 28, 2017
Super premier deal avec Sabrina, il y en aura sûrement d'autres !


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

About Sabrina Gendron-Fontaine

Conseillère d'orientation / Career counselor

Open to other proposals
Sabrina Gendron-Fontaine is looking for:
  • Website Consulting
  • Learning
  • Classes & Webcasts
  • Experiences
  • Personal Training
  • Craftwork
  • Custom Art