Easy Job Hunting
Unemployed? Poor? Bored?
Miserable in your job? you constantly think: "Why do I smile at people who I'd much rather kick in the eye ?"
You need a (new) job! And because NO ONE loves job hunting, I will take that horrible burden for you, and will send you job postings. You might find your dream job faster! Is only up to you to take that chance.
Don't know what to do for a living?
-> The things that you are interested in are an indication of what you should be doing more of!
I will also need to know:
- Industry: Leisure, education, business...
- Location: state, worldwide..
- Type: Entry level, senior...
- Schedule preferred: fixed, flexible...
- 1 Unit = 1 job posting
- 1 Package = 4 units
- 1 Project = constant units in 1 month (approx. 15 posts)
*Please specify which one you'd like when contacting.
Training & Qualifications
I have read tooons of books about career advice, and am currently job hunting for myself and 3 others (you bet you will get some postings)
Have an extensive database of job platforms that will expand your job opportunities.
My search is is not limited to one specific area, you might travel the world working! (I am actually VERY good at finding these jobs)
My search can be tailored (annual salary, qualifications, city, schedule, etc.)
Availability & Preferences
Office hours only (8AM - 3PM)