30 Minute Life-Purpose Analysis
The Tarot is not just used for divination. Its most important cards—the "Major Arcana" or "Greater Trumps"—are also pictures of the faces of the Divine Nature that all of us share. My unique "Tarot of You" personality and life-purpose analysis readings can help you identify which Divine face you most embody in this life, so that you can explore the powers and challenges you brought with you into physical reality when you were born.
I've used my "Tarot of You" system for many years with clients all over the world, and I've had great reports of its effectiveness in helping clients make better career, relationship, spirituality, and wellness choices. My own Tarot personality type, The Final Judgment Essence, gives me a strong sense of right and wrong plus a lot of insight into people. But it carries with it a tendency to classify myself and others as good or bad. So my life-purpose involves learning to have mercy upon myself and others.
Training & Qualifications
I have been a professional psychic and psychic trainer since the late 1980s. My "Tarot of You" system of personality and life-purpose analysis is based upon ideas channeled by my late partner, Stuart Lucker, and expanded by me through many years of working with clients from all walks of life. I've written the first draft of a book outlining the system and describing in detail each of the twenty-one Tarot types; I am currently engaged in polishing it, and hope to self publish by the spring of 2018.
Availability & Preferences
I'm usually available Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays between 11 am and 8 pm Mountain Time; Sundays, 5-8 pm. I can work in person, over the telephone, over FaceTime, and over Skype.