Seeking Beekeepers, Beehive makers
Click here if you can introduce me to a producer or purchaser of bees or beehive equipment: You personally know someone who wants to make or purchase the new photo-dynamic bee hives. They want bee treatments without chemicals, maybe even to make and sell such things, but OOPS -- they are NOT on SIMI!! No problem. I will call or e-mail them. I pay you in simbi for the recommendation, ok?
You need to tell them this: The hive box is 16.25 inches x 20 inches x 9.5 inches, a standard Langstroth 10-frame unit. The application is to treat foraging bees for pesticides at the bee hive since we can't avoid what happens out in the field. One result is healthier bees that better defend themselves against varroa mites. Also, bees live longer and produce more honey. Help yourself and others become true ecological entrepreneurs by making a profit while helping nature! See for other sponsored products. BRINC is a service to help you make and sell these products, and is willing to get you or your friends information to get started. Millions of such beehives must be made to meet demand! Lots of people with basic wood-working skills and a few simple tools are needed to help make these.