Hey, I'm Niki!
Springfield OR | Member since October 2023
About Niki Hampton
Free Your Mind! You bring your passion to your customers and I’ll be your biggest cheerleader - and copywriter extraordinaire!
I love writing. It’s my passion. Why am I telling you that? Because maybe you don’t…and, that’s okay. Maybe your passion is knitting…maybe it’s coaching…maybe you have passion and expertise to share with the world - whatever it is, I can help spread the word!
I have 15+ plus years in digital marketing and professional writing. I also hold a B.Sci in Public Relations from the University of Oregon. I am proud of going back to school and showing my kids that you can go after your dreams at any age and any stage of life. Now that’s out of the way…let’s talk about you…
Have lots to say, but can’t get it out?
Lots of notes and not sure how to write it?
Content done and ready to share with the world?
No matter what stage of the process, I can help you strategize, write, and execute your information products and expertise!
When not spreading passion through writing and helping businesses succeed, I am in the kitchen with my four kiddos and exploring all the beautiful state of Oregon has to offer.
Ready to step out there and offer something amazing to your customers, let’s talk! Drop me a message!
Niki Hampton's Services
Ricky received unit of Bio Refresh from Niki
Niki replied to Ricky
Jan 02, 2024Niki replied to Ryan
Nov 02, 2023Recommendations
Services Niki Hampton is looking for:
- Virtual Assistant
- Consulting & Coaching
- Marketing