Nick is requesting
Legal Consult - Gas Lease PA
50 for fulfilling my request - OK - Posted Feb 10, 2018
I’m looking for someone to read a gas lease for a small plot of land and offer their legal opinion of it.
The gas company is planning to drill nearby, and I suspect that offering a small amount of money to nearby home owners is just a way to pre-empt possible complaints or future challenges.
Reviews of Nick
John provided session of Legal Consult for Entrepreneurs for Nick
Sep 28, 2019
A pleasure to work with!
Inactive User
Inactive User received session of Auto, car, truck, mechanical advice from Nick
Feb 13, 2018
Nicks advice was extremely valuable. So glad I made the deal with him!
Shannon received Help with Production Factory Professional from Nick
Dec 21, 2017
Nick knows manufacturing!
I got a lot of practical insight, and will be happy to use him as a sounding board in the future.
Lauren received Help with 1 Piece of Marriage Advice from Nick
Nov 13, 2017
Thanks for the advice!