Brisbane Mud Fun Musical Mudstomp
I'm looking for a location to host an event for 100-200 people. Ideally the location would have the need for a small permanent structure to be built. Terms can be agreed upon. The event will generate mud bricks which we want to use to build something useful somewhere. The main goal is to co-create a festive building culture which generates a high end natural building material in a fun, festive, entertaining way.
The Mud Fun musical mudstomp is an event that people will attend to mix mud with bare feet to live ensemble music and in front of live audiences. A food sharing ceremony is part of the event. The desired festive earthen building culture is made up of all ages. It is comprised of the audience, the barefoot mud stomp dancers, the musical ensemble, the food servers and the mud builders. The culture is about reviving earthen masonry heritage building techniques which are under threat of being forgotten. We want to see this work in the real world outside of the schools and councils where it has been happening previously.
There is already a network of individuals in the Brisbane area that are keen to give it a go. We need an accommodating location to make this happen.