Affordable World Travel? Oh yes.
Can't afford a travel agent? Don't bother! Can't afford to travel? Ha! Bring it on. During our one hour, I will talk to you about,
1. Where to go (We'll figure out what kind of travel is right for you)
2. What to do (Also, we'll outline a personalized itinerary)
3. How to save for it (It's what holds most people back, but believe me. If I can do it, you can too)
First of all, I love traveling! And if you clicked on this post then I love you too for having the guts to look into it. Chances are, you're a free spirit. Maybe you are broke, or perhaps too timid to go out on the limb that is world traveling. Me too, brothers and sisters. Me too. No longer very timid, but still very much broke.
I have never made more than $12k/year (I know, it's almost humiliating). However, I have spent 5 months out of the last 4 years traveling. I've been to Kenya, France, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Not including some of the US as well.
Let me help you! Let me tell you how my broke self has traveled so much. Let me tell you where I have gone, and how I saved for it - and how you can too! Hit me up. I dare you.
Training & Qualifications
I think I outlined my qualifications in the description (which I have a bad habit of doing). But if I must continue further, I should start with my 14 weeks solo backpacking southeast Asia. Before I left, I was in therapy for anxiety. Yeah, that's right. I was given a list of five different medications to research and choose from. But after quitting my job and dropping out of college, I chose option number six. It was not easy to decide, and it was two months after all this that I did anything. But my up and down journey just to decide whether or not to travel was far eclipsed by the joys and benefits of actual traveling.
Availability & Preferences
Any time