Resume review & job hunt coaching
I can give you feedback on your resume
Write a cover letter for a specific job
Think through a strategy with a potential employer
Roleplay interviews with you
Help you organize your job hunt
Coach you through the process and help you vision your next job or career
Let me know if you have specific requests or aspects you'd like to focus on. I am fond of the philosophy of Robert Nelson Bolles as demonstrated in his all time best selling jobhunting book WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE? A PRACTICAL MANUAL OF JOBHUNTERS & CAREER CHANGERS. We can walk through the basic phases of his suggested process which involves visioning what sector you want to work in, what role, in what environment, which population, at what salary etc. Please get in touch.
In English
O en espanol
Ou en francais
Training & Qualifications
I have interviewed thousands of people, hired and helped hundreds with their resumes over my career. Other managers usually let me do the hiring since I usually had a good track record with my hires getting promoted.
Availability & Preferences
You can book a slot with me here: