Guest Blogger-Podcast Side hustle
I can help you share tips on how to have success faster by doing 3 things before helping one client or selling one item.
Why you need to be very laser focused and specialize as quickly as possible.
How I worked shorter hours than all my competition but made 3x as much money by following step 1&2 above.
Weekly SWAT not just 1x before you launch your business.
Millions of people every year want to start some kind of business. Yet few have a clue what kind of business They just know they hate their day job or feeling stuck.
If you want help, start with your mindset first. At least be prepared to learn and take it seriously.
What you don't want to say to another Entrepreneur. If you really want some one to help mentor you.
"Hey man give me a business idea" or "show me how to do what your doing."
Important often Overlooked FREE Google Tools to help you make better decisions as well as be more organized.
Training & Qualifications
Seasoned Entrepreneur with multiple successes and even more failures under my belt since starting out as commissioned only new paper carrier at the age of 10. I was the top new subscriber agent 2 years running. I got 5.00 a new subscriber back then was a lot of money. I bought wholesale chocolate bars for 1.00 and sold them for 2.00 typically sold between 20-30 each Friday and Saturday door knocking on local neighborhoods. I was also a Regional Sales Director for multiple fortune 500 sales organizations.
Availability & Preferences
Nights Weekends