Message me any time to vent/"talk."
*Please note that I can only send and receive texts to and from Canadian phone numbers. If you do not have a Canadian number, I am happy to chat via Simbi message also.
Loss and grief are incredibly hard, whether the loss is of a loved one or of a loved home. During these difficult times, most people don't want advice—they want practical support, or at the very least, a listening ear. I am willing to be that non-judgmental safe space for anyone who just needs to talk about what's weighing them down.
While it's difficult for me to provide tangible support from afar, I can offer that "listening ear" via text or Simbi messages.
I can receive unlimited texts from Canada, so please text me anytime if you just need to vent or express your feelings. I'll be that nonjudgmental listening ear, and simply acknowledge that I've received your message and that I am thinking of you (and praying for you, if you so request).
If you do not have a Canadian phone number, I can also provide this service via Simbi messages.
Training & Qualifications
I have lost friends and family members to accidents and illness. I understand that sometimes, all you need to do is talk about your grief. I understand that in North America, we have a difficult relationship with grief, and that this makes it harder for the bereaved to express their emotions in public.
I wrote something about this here:
Availability & Preferences
Please text or message me anytime. I'm in the Eastern Standard Time Zone. Please note that it may take me a day or two to get back to you, but rest assured I will respond.