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Lucie is requesting

Haircut (Kelowna Area)


60 for fulfilling my request - - Posted Dec 28, 2017

Friends, I need a hair cut! Just a few inches off the ends and a bit of layering (maybe some bangs too - not sure yet)! I work for a tiny non profit and so I don't have too much money to spend on a professional cut at a salon. If you could help me out that would be greaaaat!!

Reviews of Lucie

Inactive User
Inactive User provided session of 60 min remote psychic card reading for Lucie
Feb 20, 2018
Lucie was great to work with. She had some questions initially on my process, which I love, and she was prompt about completing the deal once her was delivered. show more
Lauren provided package of Rant From A Girl Working In Retail for Lucie
Feb 14, 2018
Lucie is all around awesome, highly recommend this talented artist!
Inactive User
Inactive User received unit of Small Painting or Illustration from Lucie
Feb 12, 2018
Lucie makes the most delightful illustrations! One of her poems inspired me to ask her for it and I'm loving the result.
Inactive User
Inactive User provided Help with Poetry Editing and Feedback for Lucie
Jan 29, 2018
Lucie is a cooperative and insightful individual. She is prompt and honest and has a lot to offer to this community. After getting the chance with her..., I would definitely recommend her more
Meredith provided session of 10min. Animal Communication Session for Lucie
Dec 18, 2017
Lucie was kind and was open to what Dasha had to say. It was an honor and a pleasure to work with them both.
Dec 13, 2017
I absolutely LOVE my necklace made masterfully by Lucie. It's so beautiful and magical. Gorgeous piece! And packaged so nice!!! I love it!
Dec 12, 2017
Lucie's work is BEAUTIFUL! I am so happy that I found her work :D It was a pleasure to Simbi with her!
Luis provided Help with Poetry Editing and Feedback for Lucie
Dec 05, 2017
Lucie is a talented writer and jewelry maker. I really enjoyed reading and commenting on her poems in exchange for a pair of beautiful earrings she ha...ndcrafted. I also look forward to doing more trades with her in regards to her permaculture work! show more
Jesus provided Help with Poetry Editing and Feedback for Lucie
Dec 01, 2017
Lucie is an incredibly talented poet and it's been a pleasure to get to read Lucie's work. I hope my feedback can be of some use.


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Lucie's services

30-min Intro To Permaculture
One of my personal areas of interest is alternative practices to mainstream capitalism. I love the idea of exchanging value without the need for dollars in the bank. Simbi really seems to promote p...

30-min Intro To Permaculture

Lucie's requests

Lucie is requesting
Poetry Editing and Feedback
I have recently completed the manuscript for a short collection of poetry. It's just over 40 pages long (6" x 9" pages). I will start to work towards getting it published in early 2018 and am curre...

One of my personal areas of interest is alternative practices to mainstream capitalism. I love the idea of exchanging value without the need for dollars in the bank. Simbi really seems to promote p...

About Lucie Bardos

My name is Lucie. I live in British Columbia, Canada. Having spent several years trying to reconcile the different parts of myself and focus my energies on a "clear life path", I recently realized tha...t I had been fighting my very nature in this attempt. I have come to know that everything I do in life is somehow an expression of my dialogue with nature. That is my path: I am a "Jane-Of-Many-Trades". I have been studying permaculture for the past 7 years, both formally and independently. For me, the permaculture approach seems to be the most natural framework through which to see and act in the world. This is why I am so passionate about aligning my life with permaculture ethics and principles in a non dogmatic and critical way. Beyond gaining my PDC in 2015, I have also participated in many inspiring workshops lead by Delvin Solkinson, Looby Macnamara, Toby Hemenway and others. Previously, I have been lucky enough to participate in community currency initiatives, permaculture start ups, permaculture teachers partnerships, and the European Permaculture Convergence in 2016. I currently steward Permaculture Kelowna in British Columbia; our group hosts workshops and collaborates with local organizations and schools to bring permaculture into the community. I am also honoured to be teaching Economic Systems in the first ever online PDC course run by the Permaculture Women's Guild ( I come from a background in critical sustainability studies. I am committed to working towards justice through my personal and professional activities, am not afraid to have dialogues about difficult and uncomfortable topics, and I am especially interested in making social movements accessible and relevant to different kinds of folks and exploring feminist perspectives. I love exploring these and other topics on my personal blog and have written about many topics relating to different facets of sustainability for other organizations. I earn my livelihood by working for a nonprofit that empowers people overcoming mental health struggles and substance abuse by connecting them to the land and to meaningful employment within the local food community. I also teach permaculture and organize permaculture-related activities in the community. Lastly, I love to create artwork, writing, and poetry and I sell or exchange my work to supplement my income. I've recently finished a poetry anthology that I am looking to publish. I also dabble in YouTube with my series Permaculture Perspectives ( My partner and I are currently exploring ways that we can live a land-based life while combining this with social projects in our community. If you would like to collaborate, reach out to me! show more

Open to other proposals
Lucie Bardos is looking for:
  • Hair styling
  • Digital Marketing
  • Language Lessons
  • Art Lessons
  • Music Lessons
  • Consulting & Coaching
  • Marketing
  • Travel
  • Tailoring & Sewing
  • Music & Audio