Unload all your Social Media Angst
Ever have something you really want to say to somebody on social media, but you're just too nice? Do you secretly (or not so secretly) just want to get into a political argument, but don't want to put your friends through it? Do you think your friends' choices in significant others is cringe-worthy? Probably better that you don't actually post these things on social media, but you can unload all that angst on me :) Whatever's ailing you on Facebook, Twitter, or whatever, feel free to unload the burden, yell, argue, complain, or cry without the backlash from your friends (or enemies).
Training & Qualifications
I am a top-notch arguer, I hear people's complaints all day every day, and I just really enjoy people unburdening themselves. I can offer solutions, or I can just listen while you vent. I can also validate you like a champ :)
Availability & Preferences
Between 4:30 and 11p CST and on weekends