Nonviolent Communication Coaching
Do you want to communicate with mutual honesty,
confidence, and cooperation?
Do you want to break patterns of thinking that create
arguments, depression, and anger?
Do you want to bridge meaningful connections with
co-workers, family members, students, or friends
where everyone’s values are equally respected?
Non-Violent Communication is a
simple yet profound learnable process
for communicating empathically, giving
you the language tools to create more
satisfying relationships and a quality
connection with others and yourself. This
allows you to create strategies and life-
affirming solutions that help to resolve
conflicts and amplify your ability to
contribute to the world.
Training & Qualifications
CNVC Trainer Candidate; over 600 hours of leading trainings, workshops, one on one sessions relating to Nonviolent Communication, Group Facilitation and Leadership, and Process Work.