Monster Pencil
Scary has never been so cute and writing has never been so fun.
Having stayed away from processed sugar for a year, I didn’t know if I was going to make friends or enemies in my new neighborhood with my alternative Halloween treats. Trick-or-treater #1, a princess, had the perfect response: “Aww!! They’re so CUTE. DID YOU HOT GLUE THESE TOGETHER YOURSELF?!” Yes I did. Aaand she came back with friends. Success!
However, there was an inverse relationship between the enthusiasm with which these treats were received and the numbers of trick-or-treaters who came to the door. I have several of these left and I would love to mail them out to people who would love them!
I will pick out for you one monster pencil at random and decorate the hell out of the padded envelop in which it will be sent to you. It will be the happiest piece of mail you've gotten all year.
Processing time
I will ship this item to you within 1-2 business days
Shipping Costs
You will have to pay $3.00 to cover the cost of shipping