Handwriting Analysis
Send me a sample of your handwriting (prefer one full page, on un-lined paper)
You can email it to me, include it as an attachment with your proposal - or even snail mail me your sample.
I will then provide to you : A written summary of my discoveries - and tell you what I believe your handwriting reveals about your personality ! Things I MAY discover about you - do you take care of others before yourself? do you need space? do you jump into projects or take your time? are you good at getting things done? do you have low or high self-esteem and confidence? are you dishonest? are you frustrated?
Let me see what your handwriting reveals ! I know that you will find it informative !
Training & Qualifications
I studied, and receive my certification on Handwriting Analysis at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute
Availability & Preferences
Weeknights and Weekends .. Normally