Fly Yogi Rune Readings
Consult the Runes to assist in decisions, choices and direction. We offer Traditional, Healing and Relationship Readings using the Runic Cross pattern. Quarant choose 6stones; past, present, future, foundation, challenge, new situation. There is an option for a 7th stone... the stone of resolution (if requested). 1 and 3 stone readings are available if preferred. All Readings are facilitated via... Skype, Google Hangouts, Messenger, FaceTime or in person. If you have any questions or requests regarding this service, please call 808 Fly Yogi...🤙🏽
Training & Qualifications
This head is always in the vicinity of these feet...0ne must be present to win...
Availability & Preferences
24/7/365 or not... call or text...808 Fly Yogi