Better High-Stakes Presentation
Have a high-stakes, important presentation coming up? Worried about making a good impression?
Experienced, award-winning TED/Moth speaker, and long time Toastmasters officer will listen to your presentation in its entirety, and offer frank, targeted feedback on how to leave your audience wowed and hungry for more. Whether you seek to entertain (Moth), sell (Work presentation) or inspire (TED), I've helped people at all levels take their message to the next level and make it more impactful and powerful.
We spend the first part of the session to get a sense of what you hope to communicate. Run through your presentation raw. Assess how you come across versus what you hope to accomplish, and discuss strategies to close that gap.
Run through talk again, with corrections/suggestions and review revised presentation.
Training & Qualifications
Co-Founder of TEDxBerkeley and coached dozens of speakers on our TEDx stage. Improved the presentations of PhDs, engineers, artists and experienced stage performers. Listen deeply to extract the essence of what you hope to communicate, and deliver powerful talks.
Availability & Preferences
Weekdays, Monday - Weds.