Chat with a New Christian
I'm a member of the General Church of the New Jerusalem ("New Church" for short), based on both Testaments of the Bible and the Writings of Emmanuel Swedenborg. Members of this church are often termed Swedenborgians. It's a pretty small Christian movement and I think it's great and enjoy talking about it. (It's not a cult. Promise.) Some core beliefs are:
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the one loving God.
The Bible is God speaking through literal stories and a systematic inner meaning.
Love is the basis of scripture.
Life after death, heaven, and angels are all real.
Salvation is progressive and involves an ongoing process of spiritual growth.
God came to earth as Jesus Christ to overcome the power of evil.
Happiness comes when we let God inspire our daily work and service to others.
God endows us with the capacity to choose our eternal destiny.
Marriage love can become spiritual and continue to eternity.
Heaven is for all who love God and live according to His Commandments
If you're at all interested in having a respectful, open discussion about this relatively new form of Christianity, I'd love to chat with you about it via simbi messaging or Skype. I think it's important to be able to have respectful and genuinely curious conversations about religion, faith, and spirituality. If you're of a similar mindset, I'd love to have a conversation with you sometime.
We can either set up a 30 minute video chat sometime or we can have an ongoing conversation on simbi messaging, whichever works best for you.
Training & Qualifications
I was baptized into the New Church as an infant and had a private New Church education through high school. As an adult, I confirmed my faith in this church and have become a member of the organization. I am also married to a New Church minister. And I like talking about things that really matter to me.
Availability & Preferences
I am pretty flexible.