Higher Perspective on your Problem
Whatever is going on in you, your world, or the world at large, there is a higher perspective you could take, if you wanted.
Give me your question or problem about any aspect of your life, and I'll give you a (written) higher perspective you could take about it. Think of it like asking your higher self and heart, "What's a higher perspective I could take about this?" Sometimes your intuition and guidance comes from the mouths or written words of other humans!
If my answer doesn't provide you with relief, peace, hope, joy, relaxation, a spark of light or insight, an action step or new idea, then you asked me so that you could remember to stop asking everyone else for the answers you have inside!
Training & Qualifications
I have spent my life, since teenage years, committed to being a part of the shift in consciousness happening on the planet and remembering my, and your, true divine nature. I'm highly educated and experienced in spirituality, psychology, 5th dimensional consciousness and transpersonal studies, human potential, sensuality, communication, all things mystical, magical and esoteric, and more. That means I've realized that there are many possibilities and I don't really know much of anything! Therefore, I can be present with you, perfect, powerful and awesome you, and allow my intuition to speak rather than my ego. Usually... ;)