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Gems of wit, wisdom, and wisecracks


1 per unit - Virtual OK - Posted May 21, 2017

I will tell you a fun fact or joke that is either random or relates to an word you choose.

For just 1 simbi it's worth a shot and you can do it as many times as you want and still not be disappointed!

Training & Qualifications

I have a mind full or random interesting and hilarious things.

Availability & Preferences

Most days

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!

Reviews of Joanna

Jan 23, 2018
Thank you !
May 28, 2017
Told me how to do a thing!
Inactive User
Inactive User received unit of Gems of wit, wisdom, and wisecracks from Joanna
May 27, 2017
Joanna was responsive and gave quality time frames. She was worth the wait!
Jul 14, 2020
Great person!
Melvin provided session of Past Life Regression Hypnosis for Joanna
Apr 12, 2020
I hope you had a great experience!
Katherine provided unit of M o o d Tarot: 3-Card Reading for Joanna
Apr 10, 2020
Happy to read for Joanna! Hopefully I was able to provide clarity and guidance :)
Bill provided unit of Free Sample Session Life Coaching for Joanna
Apr 08, 2020
Joanna is awesome!
Jun 28, 2019
Joanna delivered a wonderful reading that I look forward to coming back to many times in coming days and weeks. Thank you!
Jan 16, 2019
Absolutely great reader!
Jan 08, 2019
Excellent transaction Joanna! Thanks


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Joanna's other services

Why so scetchy? Reading
I belive that free trade is truly the best system. Bartering is how it should always be. Don't get me wrong money is a wonderful measuring tool but our bank systems are not working work us... I'm ...

Why so scetchy? Reading

D&D 5e DM for hire
I belive that free trade is truly the best system. Bartering is how it should always be. Don't get me wrong money is a wonderful measuring tool but our bank systems are not working work us... I'm ...

D&D 5e DM for hire

Soul's Intention Oracle spread
I belive that free trade is truly the best system. Bartering is how it should always be. Don't get me wrong money is a wonderful measuring tool but our bank systems are not working work us... I'm ...

Soul's Intention Oracle spread

Joanna's requests

Joanna is requesting
i need quite a few feathers. let me know what you have. price is negotiable.

I belive that free trade is truly the best system. Bartering is how it should always be. Don't get me wrong money is a wonderful measuring tool but our bank systems are not working work us... I'm ...
Joanna is requesting
Lace trim, ribbon, & fabic scraps
I need pieces at least 2ft in length of lace trim, ribbon, & fabric scraps. Lots of it. let me know what you have. price is negotiable.

I belive that free trade is truly the best system. Bartering is how it should always be. Don't get me wrong money is a wonderful measuring tool but our bank systems are not working work us... I'm ...
Joanna is requesting
I am looking for sage, sweetgrass, Palo santo etc. I need LOTS of 2" bundles/pieces. Pay is negotiable. Cash is on the table too.

I belive that free trade is truly the best system. Bartering is how it should always be. Don't get me wrong money is a wonderful measuring tool but our bank systems are not working work us... I'm ...

About Joanna Williams

It's always hard to sum oneself up, but here goes. I am a witch that a works with Eris and Ganesha. I believe that we all are ONE. Life is a physical manifestation of our soul. I work with Magik. ...I use divination tools such as cards and pendulums. I understand the Universe on a very deep level. I am an artist of many mediums. From words to images. I have some published work. I mostly work with acrylic, polymer clay, and watercolor. I have a vivid imagination. I can interpret dreams, ideas, and visions into art. If you think I have a service to offer that is not specifically offered in my services, please message me as I may not have even thought to offer it yet. I'm still developing my profile and adding services. More will be added over time. I look foward to working with you. Merry more

Open to other proposals
Joanna Williams is looking for:
  • Fun & Quirky
  • Cheap & Easy
  • Gaming
  • Just for Fun
  • Children
  • Children's Activities
  • Childcare
  • Pets
  • Dogwalking
  • Petsitting
  • Digital
  • Learning
  • Art Lessons
  • Religion
  • Housesitting
  • Gardening
  • Experiences
  • Travel
  • New Age
  • Adventure
  • Custom Art
  • Art & Design