Natural Law Oracle Reading
This Oracle is my Natural Law Oracle – Natural Law is a set of Universal, inherent, objective, non-man-made, eternal, and immutable conditions which govern the consequences of behavior for intelligent species; meaning beings that are capable of coming to an understanding of Self /Consciousness, and are also capable of understanding the objective difference between harmful and non-harmful behavior towards themselves and other beings. This is a booklet that I compiled to set a context for the reading. I recommend that anyone interested in receiving a reading from me download this booklet that will set a context for the reading.
These Laws exist. This is not about belief or non-belief. They are discoverable.
If we choose to live in accordance with them, we can live happily and peacefully on earth and not cause harm to other beings or the earth. If we act in violation of these Principles our lives will be hard – the Universe balances the books.
These Laws were written down in a little book called The Kybalion, by Three Initiates, in 1908, but these ideas have been around for thousands of years, passed down through the Oral Tradition of Hermeticism.
7 of the cards are the Law Cards, and the other 29 are mundane as well as secondary laws; spiritual principles, such as the Golden Rule.
You will receive a reading with helpful suggestions in applying these laws to your life in a practical way.
Training & Qualifications
I created the deck. I have been doing psychic readings since 2012.
Availability & Preferences
all the time.