Voice Over - Professional Materials
If you need a voice for your professional audio, including voice over for training materials, phone recording or other professional settings, then let's talk! This voice comes from a west coast Canadian female, with voice over training and theatrical experience. I have a warm, engaging, professional tone to complement corporate materials, have recorded technical training videos, guided meditations and essays. I am comfortable and familiar with technical, healthcare and scientific terminology.
The minimum is 20s for up to two minutes of recorded material (mp3) and larger pieces of work are open to negotiation . Recordings are provided in mp3 format, unless otherwise discussed, and sent by Simbi, email or Dropbox.
I record in my home, and turn around times can be discussed per project.
Training & Qualifications
My training and experiences as a personal coach, facilitator and trainer, along with professional voice over training and theatrical experience, mean that I am well versed in clear and accurate presentation and well prepared to talk. A lot.
I have ready access to audio recording equipment to prepare your materials.
Availability & Preferences
Saturdays, with some flexibility for smaller pieces of work.