Understanding Autism
I'll help you understand your child with Autism.
I have three nonverbal kids on the spectrum and am also Autistic.
I run an Autism page on facebook.
My kids are 8, 7 and 2 1/2.
While I don't have any formal education in Autism, Speech, Behavior Therapy, PT, OT, etc... I've had a lot of practice and I've talked to a lot of people through my page.
If I don't have an answer, I'll go looking for one for you.
I can't give you medical advice, but I can give you advice from a mom who has been there.
Help talk you through things and hopefully give you a better understand of Autism and what it's like being on the spectrum.
Training & Qualifications
I am an Autistic, Autism Mom.
My kids were diagnosed 5 years ago, and I've been learning and researching ever since.
I'm always trying to find new and better ways to teach and raise my kids.
So, I may have some advice that you haven't already been given.
We/they have Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, one has ADHD, one has Type 1 Diabetes and Hypothyroidism, one has a gluten allergy, they all have food aversions and texture issues.
They get Behavior Therapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy... So we MIGHT have some advice if your child needs help in any of these areas.
Availability & Preferences
I'm usually free 7am-9am and 7pm-9pm