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J Zen is requesting

360 event capture for VR viewing


20 for fulfilling my request - Virtual OK - Posted Feb 24, 2017

Are you familiar with 360 video cameras?

Go record scenic location or some music, stitch it and upload it to youtube.

Some conversation required about the specifics, but the rules are simple.
must use tripod
minimum resolution 4k
minimum length 3 minutes
minimum spec 40fps+

add ThisIsMeInVR tag to YouTube posting

Reviews of J Zen

Layla provided session of Digital Marketing Campaign Scan for J Zen
Feb 15, 2018
J Zen us a very interesting guy! Very knowledgeable about VR and a futurist! Excited to help him with his project.
Dan provided unit of Get Published! for J Zen
Feb 08, 2018
J Zen was easy to work with at first, but it deteriorated. He became very critical and unfriendly, substantially mischaracterizing what I offered and ...what I delivered, admitting his expectations were too high. Perhaps he was having an off day. This was my first and only unpleasant experience on otherwise wonderful Simbi, where I've met so many great people, online and more
Jessica provided unit of Professional Proofreading & Editing for J Zen
Oct 12, 2017
I enjoyed working on this proofreading and editing project! It was very satisfying to work with an author who appreciates my help and suggestions. T...he book will be a great success! J Zen is fantastic to work with -- great at communication and really passionate about life and perfecting his craft. I will be keeping an eye on his projects/work because I know they will all be interesting!show more
Brandon provided unit of Need Encouragement? for J Zen
Apr 24, 2017
J Zen is a kind hearted man with a big heart for making a difference in the lives of others. It was a pleasure to be able to encourage him!
Kevin provided visit of Venture & Capital Database. for J Zen
Apr 20, 2017
After conversing with J Zen CaptureAll and determining exactly what he required and what type of project he was working towards. We arranged for trans...fer of barter payment and he now has access to the contacts to finish his project. I will check back with him in 30 days to see how he is progressing. It was a pleasure to work with more
Diana provided package of I'll Spruce Up Your Tinder Profile for J Zen
Apr 19, 2017
He kept interactions simple and sweet. Few words, straight to the point. Promptly accepted the deal, and was even quicker to hit "complete" and submit... a review. Overall, a pleasant experience!show more
Jared received session of 1/2 hour 360VR consultation from J Zen
Apr 12, 2017
J is super passionate about what he does and is a really neat guy. He also has more VR experience than anyone I have ever met! Super Exciting
Sharon provided package of I'll join you on You Tube for J Zen
Apr 11, 2017
J Zen has a very interesting field of interest and awesome videos. Very worth your while to take a look at his links.
Ayush received session of 1/2 hour 360VR consultation from J Zen
Apr 05, 2017
Zen is doing some pretty cool stuff. If you want to know more about AR/VR he is the guy. Highly recommend
Ryan provided unit of Read and Comment on Your blog for J Zen
Apr 05, 2017
Thanks for working with me


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

J Zen's services

360 Google Streetview your business
I enjoy projects that can maximize the use of my unique skills of finding efficient solutions to challenges, while increasing profitability in company services, projects, and products.

360 Google Streetview your business

We Create a VR 360 Video for you
I enjoy projects that can maximize the use of my unique skills of finding efficient solutions to challenges, while increasing profitability in company services, projects, and products.

We Create a VR 360 Video for you

VR  equip  rental Victoria Canada
I enjoy projects that can maximize the use of my unique skills of finding efficient solutions to challenges, while increasing profitability in company services, projects, and products.

VR equip rental Victoria Canada

J Zen's requests

J Zen is requesting
acting in short films & pilot vids
I'm looking for local actors interested in acting in short films and pilot videos in the 360 format for Virtual Reality viewing region Victoria BC Canada

I enjoy projects that can maximize the use of my unique skills of finding efficient solutions to challenges, while increasing profitability in company services, projects, and products.
J Zen is requesting
Book Editing Tech/Psych
I have a Tech/Psych book needing editing. 350 pages or so, basic grammar and structure checking. prep for publishing A scientific dissection of Influence in all its forms. Environmental ...

I enjoy projects that can maximize the use of my unique skills of finding efficient solutions to challenges, while increasing profitability in company services, projects, and products.
J Zen is requesting
YouTube Channel tips
I'm looking for someone with lots of experience with building and maintaining a YouTube channel I'd love some tips on how I could improve my channel

I enjoy projects that can maximize the use of my unique skills of finding efficient solutions to challenges, while increasing profitability in company services, projects, and products.

About J Zen CaptureAll

I'm currently a commercial 360 video content creator with my own innovative Virtual Reality Company. ThisIsMeInVR A homepage for V.R devices that also hosts AR 360 VR tech articles, innovations, pro...motional videos and marketing material. Our content can be viewed on YouTube, Oculus rift, Samsung Gear VR, PlayStation VR , HTC Vive and Google Cardboard / Daydream. I am intelligent, hardworking and innovative, with education and experience in the fields of communications, engineering, management, production, manufacturing, and marketing. I am both an Innovator and a video system integration expert, with strong skills in process development and business. I am very familiar with Internet video and virtual reality content delivery system. I enjoy projects that can maximize the use of my unique skills of finding efficient solutions to challenges, while increasing profitability in company services, projects, and products. I am professional, effective, and a profitable asset to integrate into any company process. I am qualified and experienced at short term project completion for highly technical communications work. I have recently co authored an important book on perceived immersion and I am always interested in short projects in either virtual reality, augmented reality, tele-communications, marketing, cognition, process innovation, big data management or industrial design. Contact me more

Open to other proposals
J Zen CaptureAll is looking for:
  • Experiences
  • Fun & Quirky
  • Business